Welcome to Hyp Little
Fairy Tales

The world's first audiobooks to combine hypnosis,
mediative techniques, real life sound effects &
enchanting stories to empower children
and parents to let go of fear, anxiety & lack of self-confidence.
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SHE-com AWARD WINNER Innovation of the Year - Highly Recommended 2023
 Finalist in the Women Changing The World Awards 2024

As parents, we want our children to develop the essential qualities they need to thrive…

But how do you actually teach things like confidence, resilience, and standing up for yourself?

And what if your child is struggling with something trickier — like anxiety, bullying, or poor self-esteem?
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Enter Hyp Little Fairy Tales

Created by Justine Williams, a multi-award-winning Clinical Hypnotherapist. Hyp Little Fairy Tales® are science-backed audiobooks with a powerful twist.

These magical stories use the evidence-based techniques of hypnosis and meditation to help your child develop the core qualities that lead to a happier, healthier life.

Each tale is accompanied by a specially designed parents' toolkit full of games, posters and activities to help you reinforce the valuable lessons in the story.

The ultimate goal is to arm your child with the tools they need to navigate life's ups and downs with confidence.

And the best part? They'll be so spellbound by the enchanting characters and storylines, they won't even realise they're learning crucial skills along the way!

Best Sellers : Choose Your Adventure

Hyp Little Fairy Tales® are not ‘just another audiobook’ — they’re award winning tools for empowering your child to navigate life with confidence and joy.

Make the decision now to invest in your child’s wellbeing — then watch the magic unfold!

Not your average audiobooks.

Voiced by engaging actors, scored with divine music, real life sound effects, and narrated by Justine herself (whose soothing voice is a balm for even the most stressed-out soul), you NEED to hear these lush, layered audios for yourself…
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“I’ve listened to plenty of audiobooks in my time — both when I was a kid, and now with my daughter. But I’ve never heard anything like Hyp Little Fairy Tales.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when we first listened to ‘A Horse Called Thunder’, but I was so impressed — and so was my four year old. It’s now a staple of her bedtime routine, and she looks forward to listening each night.

It’s delightful seeing her so entertained, and it’s magical when you notice the seeds that are being planted in her young mind as she listens, especially as she sometimes struggles with self-esteem. Now I’m excited for us both to listen to the next story!”
Jessica Larson, Mum of One

Every Hyp Little Fairy Tale® includes:

streamable audiobooks
Voiced by actors and containing movie-quality soundscapes, you and your child will be transported to a faraway land where anything is possible. Play on any device, they’re yours to keep forever.
Comprehensive Toolkit for Parents & Kids
These gorgeous PDF toolkits are stacked with activities, games and powerful frameworks you can use to reinforce the lessons your child learns in each audiobook.
A Hefty Sprinkling of Magic!
Though these stories leverage the evidence-based principles of clinical hypnotherapy and mindfulness, there’s something undeniably enchanting about them. Press play and see for yourself!

There are 3 Hyp Little Fairy Tales Bundles to Choose From


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For ages 3-10 (and adults love Thunder too!)
Supports your child to develop:
Self Belief
Problem Solving
Communication Skills


What if the only thing holding us back is ourselves?

Thunder is lonely. He lives his life confined in a paddock, in fear of an electric fence — a fear that remains even after the fence is replaced with harmless string.

Then one day, he meets a free-spirited horse and a wise old frog, who inspire him to question his self-imposed limitations.

Will Thunder find the courage to experience life beyond the fence? Can he jump over it, dig under it, or find some other way to conquer the barrier that’s holding him back?

As Thunder explores ways to overcome his fears, young readers learn the crucial lesson that often, the barriers we face exist only in our minds.

Dive into this heartwarming tale of self-discovery and transformation with Thunder and friends — it's more than a story; it's an empowering guide for young minds navigating life's hurdles.

P.S. Don't forget this comes with your Courage & Self-Belief Toolkit xo


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For ages 5-105
Supports your child to develop:
Minimise Anxiety & Catastrophising
Stand Up for Oneself
Listen To Their Wise
Inner Voice
Accept Themselves & Develop Friendships


Be careful what you wish for…

Everyone knows that when you lose a tooth, you get to make a wish. And young Jessica really wishes she could visit the land of the fairies.

But with no baby teeth left to lose, she’s out of luck. That is, until she seizes upon another idea: stealing her little brother’s tooth.

Jessica’s stolen wish is granted, but in an entirely unexpected way. Whisked off to the realm of a mischievous group of fairies called the Snapdragon Fae, Jessica suddenly faces a perilous journey to find her way back home.

With help from an injured owl, a cunning fox, and a giant wombat named Walnut, Jessica and her new friends must learn the crucial lessons of resilience, self-confidence and bravery in order to save the day.

Embedded within this whimsical tale are profound life lessons, transforming it into a powerful tool for any child who has ever faced bullying, felt alone, or grappled with anxiety. It's an empowering story that speaks to the heart of every listener, both young and old alike.

P.S. Don't forget this comes with your Confidence & Empowerment Toolkit xo


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For ages 4 - 120
 in The Horse Called Thunder Bundle + Fairies Fae & The Stolen Tooth Bundle, plus:
Sleep Hypnosis Tracks for Parent & Child
Breathwork Tool for
Instant Calm
Printable Affirmation Cards
Positive Affirmation Treasure Hunt


As if all your Christmases have come at once…

With the press of a button, your child will be sonically transported to a place far, far, away, where friends fly magic carpets and horses roam...and positive seeds for your child's future are planted, nurtured and given everything they need to flourish.

Included in this value-packed bundle are A Horse Called Thunder bundle, Fairies Fae & The Stolen Tooth Bundle, plus the most empowering treasure hunt perfect as a rainy day activity, kindness affirmation cards you can print out and pop into the lunch box or slip under the pillow and something extra special...

2 hypnotic sleep stories. One for you and one for your child. Just imagine a divinely whimsical story playing in your child's room at night, and yours too, filling your hearts, minds, bodies and souls with magic, mindfulness and a feeling of lightness, so you all float away into the sweetest of dreams, awakening refreshed and read for the day ahead.

Plus, you'll find a good morning wish audio message, just like an energising green juice but for the mind to start the day off with optimism and peace. 

Pouring love into your child with this exquisite bundle, floods your brain and your child's brain with the feel-good hormone, oxytocin, whilst awakening the seeds of self-worth, confidence, assurance and self-love. Just imagine if we had these tools when we were kids!

P.S. Don't forget this comes with all of the comprehensive Toolkits xo

Meet the AUstralian creator

Justine Williams

Hello there,

I’m Justine.

As a Mum and Australian government accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, I could see that creating a subconscious toolbox filled to the brim with positive suggestions gifted within hypnotic stories would not only engage children, but could plant the seeds of emotional and mental nourishment deeply within their inner minds.

Enjoy xo

Glowing Reviews from Happy Customers

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Melissa Ambrosini - Mum, Author & Wellbeing Influencer
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Mia - School student
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Hayley - Mum & Business Owner

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Mark - Dad & Film Producer

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Imagine if you had a positive voice whispering wisdom and guidance in your ear whenever you felt scared, unsure or anxious.

We all have that voice within, but some children can’t hear it buried underneath all the layers of anxiety, fear and self-limiting beliefs. 
That's where Hyp Little Fairy Tales® come in. 
By engaging the imagination, these stories create empathy between the child, the characters, and the challenges they face.
As each character finds solutions, your child learns alongside them, creating a blueprint of resilience and providing a powerful model of a comforting inner voice.
After a few listens, this ‘inner cheerleader’ stays with your child, ready to lift them up in times of need.
That’s why Hyp Little Fairy Tales® are so special. 
They do so more than just tell a good story; they help your child find their own ‘inner cheerleader’ that they can lean on for decades to come.

Counsellor, Teacher & Mother Approved

These incredible stories encourage you to reframe your thoughts & believe in yourself and your dreams. Thank you Justine!
Counselor & Mom
From Canada
More than just a beautiful story. After listening to the story & doing the toolkit, my daughters are swimming with courage!
Mum &
Business Professional
from Australia
As a teacher, I see so many kids who struggle with self-esteem issues and fear. These stories and tools are making a big impact for the kids who use them!
Kris Palouda
Teacher & Mom
From USA

"The most empowering tool for when the kids (and to be honest, me as well). One of my kids has terrible separation anxiety and school drop off was distressing for both of us. After listening to A Horse Called Thunder & reinforcing the audiobook with the toolkit, which she loved doing on a rainy Sunday, the changes were incredible. I now know how to help my child in times of stress, but she is so much more courageous now. This has been a game-changer in our family. Thank you Hyp Little Fairy Tales. We cannot wait t listen to them all."

Kristen, Mother to 3. United Kingdom

"I have an 8 year old son who really struggles to settle and sleep at night and so listened to Fairy Fae with him once he was in bed. I was really amazed at how relaxed he became and how attentive he was as having tried bedtime stories before, he usually becomes restless very quickly. This time he listened intently, relaxed and was calm. Although he didn't sleep straight away, he was far more settled and calm and asked to listen the next night. Thank you so much! We will continue to listen to them as he loves to discuss them!”

Susie Campbell – PR Director and Mum

"My daughter and I really enjoy listening to the Hyp Little Fairytales. Their messages remind us that even when you are faced with obstacles, you can find a way to be successful. I love tucking my daughter in at night and leaving the room knowing she is listening to a beautiful and gentle story with a powerful message behind it.”

Siobhan, Mum of 2. Sydney, Australia

“Well, what a delight to sit down and allow the narrator, with her oh so soothing voice, to show me the magic in “letting go”. To guide me into the land of imagination and relaxation. To suspend one’s logic for just a short time and to enter another realm filled with fun, fantasy and motivating metaphors. The story is peppered with other voices that intrigue and suggest and yet lull one into a comfortable state of just being. This is one for all ages to appreciate and experience. An opportunity to reconnect with the magic that lies within us all.”

Lyn MacIntosh – Esteemed Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Supervisor, Lecturer, Mother & Grandmother.

“The Limited Edition Kids Package has been a game changer. My 4 year old son is a busy little guy and quite clingy, so A Horse Called Thunder has given him courage and positive self-talk and the toolkit has kept him busy when I need a break. My daughter and older son love Fairies, Fae & The Stolen Tooth. It has taught them how be kind to each other, so there is more peace in the house. The treasure hunt is great for rainy days and I personally love the sleep hypno for me as I find it hard to unwind whilst being exhausted at the same time. Good job .”

Louise K - Mom of 3. USA

Frequently asked questions

Is this ok for boys?

Yes Absolutely! We find boys love this every bit as much as girls. There are male and female characters in each audio, plus enough adventure and magic to light anyone up, especially parents.

How many times should we listen?

Listen to these beautiful audiobooks as often as you like...In fact, the more you listen, the more the positive messages sink into your mind and your heart.

What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions?

These whimsical audiobooks don't count you down into into a trance, but contain hypnotic suggestions, also known as waking hypnosis, which is an idea or solution to a problem without the trance state. For example, a crying child who is certain their pain will disappear if their mother kisses them, is experiencing waking hypnosis. The child is not hypnotized, but is absolutely convinced, and therefore positively responds to the suggestion.

Is it ok to listen whilst driving?

Your divine audiobooks contain deeply relaxing voices, music, tools and breathing techniques that can cause deep relaxation and sleep. Please do not listen to your audiobooks whilst driving, operating machinery, in the bath, using hot water or aloud where someone who needs to be focused may become distracted.

Is listening with headphones better?

You can listen with or without headphones, but if you listen with headphones, you may hear even more sounds that have been woven into the already wonderful soundscape. The choice is yours.

With Hyp Little Fairy Tales®, you're
not just gifting your child an enchanting story…

You're giving them the tools they need to thrive in the face of life's challenges and grow into confident, resilient individuals.

You’re also receiving a wealth of resources to empower you as a parent. (Every parent deserves this level of support!).

There’s simply no other audiobook in the world that does all this.

Come experience the magic of Hyp Little Fairy Tales® for yourself.
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More Feel Goodness Coming Soon
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